The move is done!

The move is done!

The move is done! After 2 months of hard work, we have finally completed (almost) all of our new office. We’re up to 6 jellyfish systems, a new polyp tank system, and soon also a coral system. All the time and energy we’ve spent on this new office has...
Auto feeder

Auto feeder

NOW OUR JELLYFISH CAN FEED 24/7! Recently, we set up an auto-feeding system for our main jellyfish grow-out racks so our jellyfish can feed continuously throughout the day. Previously, we were feeding twice daily, in the morning and evening. There are a few reasons...
We are moving!

We are moving!

We are moving! After 7 years in our old lab, it’s finally time to move out into a new space. With the leaky floors, the old concrete, and a breaker that flips off every few months, it’s time to say goodbye. Most critically though, we have fully outgrown...