Dwarf Lion’s Mane care sheet

Dwarf lions manes (Cyanea versicolor) is a bit of an oddball jellyfish. Its new to the hobby and indeed also new to science, having been redescribed as late as 2019 in the book “World Atlas of Jellyfish”! They are a temperate region jellyfish, coming from east coast of the US from Florida all the way to New York. A combination of that, their comparitely small size and their oddball status makes them particularly attractive for a jellyfish tank!

Tank setup

Like most jellyfish, Dwarf Lions need a Kriesel tank to thrive. This keeps them suspended in the water column, keeps them out of corners and keeps them looking good in the tank!

Although they are called Dwarf Lions manes, they aren’t as small as you might think. They still need around 3L of water for every inch of jellyfish bell diameter and do grow faster the more you feed them, so don’t forget to factor that in when you are looking for a tank to buy.

Sometimes Dwarf Lion’s tentacles can get tangled, especially after a feeding. If you see that happening you can try to gently untangle them or pull them apart with sometime like a rigid airline tube or other rigid stick.

a Kriesel tank

A Kriesel tank suitable for housing moon jellies

What should I feed my jellies?

Dwarf lion manes are long tentacle jellyfish, which means that they can eat a wide range of foods. As with many jellyfish, they can eat frozen and live baby and adult brine shrimp, but they can also eat larger foods like finely chopped up seafood for instance.

How often you feed your jellies will impact their growth rates, the more you feed the faster they will grow. Because of this, we suggest that most home aquarists feed once a day at most. Be careful not to feed too little though, as this can be the primary cause for jellyfish irreversibly shrinking (though they can regain some size to a certain extent).

It is important to note that jellyfish are filter feeders, which means they can only eat things that land in their tentacles, as soon as any food has settled on the ground it is important to remove it so that it doesn’t decompose and dirty the water.

FRESHLY HATCHED Baby brine shrimp (Artemia nauplii)

Dwarf Lions manes jellies

dwarf lions mane tank mates

Can you keep others species with Dwarf Lions? The short answer is no. You cannot keep other species of jellies, fish or even live coral with your jellies. They should be kept in a species-only tank. This is because jellyfish are prey animals that have no brain, and because of this their stings are indiscriminate and will affect any animal that accidentally gets brushed by their tentacles, but larger fish that won’t get hurt by their sting will most likely in turn eat it. So, long story short, keep these in a species only without any other jellies or animals.

Stats at a glance

Tank size

3L for every inch of jellyfish

Nitrite, Ammonia

<0.1 ppm


<20.0 ppm


25-35 ppt


<2.0 ppm




10 – 24 °C (50 – 75°F)

