Spotted Lagoon Jellyfish (Mastigias Papua)
Species Information
Harmful to humans: No
Distribution: South Pacific
Maximum Bell Size: 20 cm (8 inches)
Life Span: 1 -2 years
Feeding: Freshly hatched baby brine shrimp, coral reef food
Temperature: 24 – 28°C (75 – 82°F)
Salinity: 25-35ppt
Photosynthetic: Yes
Care level: Medium
Notes: Even though their energy requirements are mainly provided by the photosynthesis of symbiotic algae in their body, they still need to be fed. Feeding freshly hatched brine shrimp 1-2 times daily is recommended. They are strong swimmers and be able to keep them in suspension without any flow. If there is strong light from the top, they will stay in the water surface to enjoy the light.